We all sometimes have a bad mood, that’s normal. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to boost your mood to feel better again. In this article, I tried to compile quick exercises intended to improve your mood as soon as possible. I hope you find them useful! 🙂

1. Power Naps

power nap

Indeed, having a quick nap can increase both your mood and productivity. A power nap is a sleep session that happens during the day lasting between 10 and 30 minutes. If it lasts longer, it can be difficult for you to wake up because of the sleep inertia. You can read more about power naps in this article.

2. Desk Yoga

This one might sound silly at first, however, desk yoga can be a great method to relieve stress and boost your mood while at work. All you need is a few minutes to spare, and a will to do some stretches.

You can find some fast and great desk yoga exercises here. I sometimes use some of them myself and find them useful since I spend a lot of the time at work sitting.

3. Meditation

There are many types of meditation, and if you are new to this, I would suggest you try a guided meditation. Meditation will make you more relaxed, reduce stress and improve your feelings.

The easiest way to find some guided meditations is to search for them on YouTube. For a more regular meditation, you can check out meditation apps like Simple Habit or Headspace

4. Stepping Outside

Is stepping outside for a short walk an option for you? If it is, you should do it! Moving around and breathing fresh air for even just a few minutes can greatly boost your mood and improve your thoughts.

5. Listening to Music

This one is probably obvious, and you might have been doing it already. Indeed, listening to an upbeat or calm song you really enjoy will improve your mood. So, if you are feeling down, make sure to play your favorite playlist, even if it’s just in the background.


Do you have any other good methods to boost your mood quickly I should try? Make sure you leave them in the comments below! 🙂

Mood has to be controlled. Otherwise, it's your master.

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