5 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster
girl asleep feature

Are you having problems falling asleep? I know I sometimes do, when I have tons of thoughts running through my head. So I decided to dig around the internet to look for some tips and trick I could use to fall asleep easier. Here are 5 of the methods that have worked the best for […]

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How to Be More Optimistic

We all have heard about optimism. It is a hopefulness and confidence about the future. In this article, I describe, why optimism is important and give you a few ways you can become a more optimistic person. Why Is Optimism Important? In the current education system, we are taught to concentrate on our mistakes and […]

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How to Avoid Burnout
burnout featured

If you are aiming for great results and keep working hard, you should keep a close eye out for burnout. It is a state of chronic stress, and it can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion and feeling of lack of accomplishment. Protecting yourself before a burnout happens is much more effective to deal with it […]

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5 Personal Development Podcasts for 2019
personal development podcasts 2019

If you are into personal development like I am, you might be looking for some podcasts to listen in 2019. Here is a small list of 5 good self-growth podcasts you might enjoy. 🙂 1. The Life Coach School Podcast The Life Coach School Podcast is about various topics that can improve your life and […]

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100 Questions to Start a Conversation
best conversation starters

Do you sometimes find it difficult to find topics to talk about? I know I do! In this article, I have listed 100 questions you can use while talking with a girl you like, a friend or anyone else to spark a conversation. with the right question, you can discover something new even about people you […]

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25 Inspiring Quotes on Personal Development

I sometimes like to read some inspiring quotes to increase my motivation to keep going and work my goals. Here are 25 of the quotes I enjoy, and I hope they motivate you, too! 🙂 Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it. – Salvador Dali What we think, we become. – Buddha […]

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