5 Ways to Boost Your Mood Quickly
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We all sometimes have a bad mood, that’s normal. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to boost your mood to feel better again. In this article, I tried to compile quick exercises intended to improve your mood as soon as possible. I hope you find them useful! 🙂 1. Power Naps Indeed, having a quick nap can increase […]

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10 Personal Development Books to Read in 2019
personal development books 2019

I haven’t always been a huge fan of reading books. When reading them, I often became tired and fell asleep. Until I started listening to audiobooks. They give me an opportunity to do something productive and learn something new while I’m commuting or just relaxing in my bed. That’s why all of the books in […]

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5 Exercises for Positive Thinking
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Positive thinking is an attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects good results. It’s important to think positively and be optimistic to feel better about ourselves and our lives. Being positive can help you build stronger relationships with others and open up new opportunities in life. In this article, you can read a […]

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Beating Negative Thinking
beating negative thinking

Negative thinking can affect anyone, no matter how successful you are. We all are vulnerable to cognitive distortions which undermine our positive thoughts and feelings. The possible cognitive distortions are: Personalization – blaming yourself for things going wrong Overgeneralization – assuming that is something has happened to you once, it will keep happening again Emotional […]

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10 People to Follow on Twitter for Personal Growth
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Twitter is one of the biggest social networks in the world, and it can get difficult to find people who post useful personal development content. Luckily for you, I have created this list of influencers you can follow who post useful content for self-improvement and living a better life. 1. Tony Robbins Tony Robbins is […]

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Get Rid Of Email Clutter In Your Inbox
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Do you have a problem with unread email? I know I do. Has something like this happened to you? Your email is cluttered, and it’s difficult to find what you’re looking for. Here are a few tips that can help to free up your inbox and save some time. This is The Four “Ds” method suggested […]

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