6 Things to Do While Stuck at Home
6 Things to Do While Stuck at Home

As you all already know, many of us are currently stuck at home, so it begs a question – what to do with all this time? Since I’m introvert by nature, I enjoy spending my time alone, and I can tell you some ways to spend your time enjoyably during this pandemic. 1. Play Video […]

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Five Types of Brainwaves
our five brainwaves

Every day our thoughts and emotions are affected by neurons in our brains. The neurons communicate with each other and as a result, produce brainwaves which are measured in Hertz. Our brainwaves change depending on what we are doing and feeling. You will have slower brainwaves when you are tired and dreamy, while higher frequencies will be […]

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10 Interesting Phobias
interesting phobials

I recently wanted to learn more about phobias, so I decided to make a short list of the ones I found the most interesting or weird. Hope you find these interesting, too. 🙂 A phobia is an irrational fear of something that’s unlikely to cause any harm. The word originates from the Greek word phobos, […]

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