How to Be More Optimistic

We all have heard about optimism. It is a hopefulness and confidence about the future. In this article, I describe, why optimism is important and give you a few ways you can become a more optimistic person. Why Is Optimism Important? In the current education system, we are taught to concentrate on our mistakes and […]

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5 Personal Development Podcasts for 2019
personal development podcasts 2019

If you are into personal development like I am, you might be looking for some podcasts to listen in 2019. Here is a small list of 5 good self-growth podcasts you might enjoy. 🙂 1. The Life Coach School Podcast The Life Coach School Podcast is about various topics that can improve your life and […]

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25 Inspiring Quotes on Personal Development

I sometimes like to read some inspiring quotes to increase my motivation to keep going and work my goals. Here are 25 of the quotes I enjoy, and I hope they motivate you, too! 🙂 Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it. – Salvador Dali What we think, we become. – Buddha […]

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10 Personal Development Books to Read in 2019
personal development books 2019

I haven’t always been a huge fan of reading books. When reading them, I often became tired and fell asleep. Until I started listening to audiobooks. They give me an opportunity to do something productive and learn something new while I’m commuting or just relaxing in my bed. That’s why all of the books in […]

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10 People to Follow on Twitter for Personal Growth
twitter people with phones

Twitter is one of the biggest social networks in the world, and it can get difficult to find people who post useful personal development content. Luckily for you, I have created this list of influencers you can follow who post useful content for self-improvement and living a better life. 1. Tony Robbins Tony Robbins is […]

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