If you are into personal development like I am, you might be looking for some podcasts to listen in 2019. Here is a small list of 5 good self-growth podcasts you might enjoy. 🙂

1. The Life Coach School Podcast

The Life Coach School Podcast is about various topics that can improve your life and understanding about yourself. The latest topics at the time of writing this article include five emotional skills, modern mental health, body image, and depression. The episodes are typically around 30 minutes long.

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2. Tony Robbins Podcast

Tony Robbins is a coach I truly admire. In his podcast, he motivates you to achieve better results in your relationships, career, and health. In some of his podcasts, Tony Robbins interviews celebrities like Russel brand and gets their perspective about different topics. The length of episodes of the podcast varies from 25 to 90 minutes.

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3. Happier Podcast

Happier is a podcast by Gretchen Rubin. She is one of the people I suggested you follow on Twitter for personal growth. 🙂

In this podcast, you can find out about tips and tricks for a happier life. If you are looking to increase your happiness 2019, this a podcast to check out! Episodes are usually around 40 minutes long, and there are also little snippets up to 5 minutes released between the podcasts.

Also, this podcast is available on Spotify.

Visit the podcast

4. The Overwhelmed Brain

The Overwhelmed Brain is a personal growth podcast intended to improve yourself and your relationships. It covers various topics like anxiety, depression, negative self-talk, values, and authenticity. A typical episode is 60-90 minutes long.

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5. The Mindful Kind

This podcast is about being mindful in your life. Mindfulness and being present can help you improve your self-confidence, productivity etc. The episodes are very short – only 10 minutes long, and they are released once a week.

The episodes are available on Spotify.

Visit the podcast


I hope you will enjoy these podcasts and they will help you make 2019 the best year ever! 🙂

Do you listen to other personal development podcasts? Or maybe you are creating one? Leave them in the comments below!

I tell people everywhere I go that my success began the day I started focusing on developing who I am as a person.

One thought to “5 Personal Development Podcasts for 2019”

  • Aptech academy

    Hi, Thank you for posting such a great blog . It is really helpful


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